Vertical roller mills became increasingly dominant for grinding raw materials mainly for the cement industry due to their high energy efficiency and excellent drying capacity. Maintenance and repair of vertical roller mill is a highly technical and specialized business, which should be performed by experts.

Vertical roller mill maintenance can be broken down into three general areas; rolls and bearings.

Roll Maintenance
Grinding roller: main component used for crushing and grinding materials. Together with the liner plate on the grinding plate, it can provide an effective grinding area.

Balance the Work Between Roll Pairs
Inconsistent or uneven feeding can also contribute to rolls working out of parallel, with all of the associated maintenance and operational problems. Roller mills are also more sensitive to instantaneous changes in the feed rate than are other pieces of process equipment.

Bearings Maintenance
Bearing maintenance is critical to proper long term roller mill operation. Normal maintenance would include frequent addition of small quantities of grease. ½ to 1 ounce of grease added every 40 hours of operation will be sufficient for most machines used for cracking, crumbling, or grinding.

Most bearings will be sized to last the life of the rolls if proper lubrication is maintained so periodic removal is not required or recommended. This is especially true for rolls using straight bore bearings.

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