
22Jun 2020

Rotational speeds of vertical mills vary when they are processing different materials. Vertical mill operators should be well mastered of the rotational speed and fineness to an exact material. They should adjust the rotational speed according to different needs. Medium speed vertical mill have the common speed of 120-300 revolutions per minute. Speed influence on […]

29Jun 2020

Portland cement is the basic ingredient of concrete. Concrete is formed when portland cement creates a paste with water that binds with sand and rock to harden. Cement is manufactured through a closely controlled chemical combination of calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron and other ingredients. Common materials used to manufacture cement include limestone, shells, and chalk […]

04Dec 2020

With the development of talc ultrafine powder application industry, the market is in great need of talc ultrafine vertical mill which can achieve large scale production. Talc which is soft, smooth and creamy is common silicate mineral with Mohs hardness 1, it usually has lump shape, leaf shape, fiber shape and radial shape. Talc is […]

06Jan 2021

Advantage of slag vertical roller mill equipment The new vertical roller mill equipment is selected to grind solid waste such as slag powder, which can effectively assist the production. The new type of vertical milling equipment integrates crushing, grinding, grading and powder collecting. The equipment has high grinding efficiency, large capacity and low energy consumption. […]

06Feb 2021

Mining operations generate large volumes of mine waste, including tailings. Tailings As Resource Another productive means of utilising tailings is to create more sustainable by-products. This includes everything from commercial shotcrete and concrete products for self-sustaining uses such as mine roads, brick and tile manufacture, insulation, or even foamed products. Tailings as a resource has […]

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